Coaching individuel ou d'équipe à tous les niveaux de l'organisation
Joris Nuijten
Executive corporate coach, trainer, speaker and executive consultant
‘Jean-Christophe shows remarkable wisdom and provides valuable perspectives. He creates a safe space and at the same time can hold up the mirror in a powerful way. And at the end of each session he left me with inspiration and insights. Moreover, he is genuinely caring, curious and committed. If you are looking for an executive coach, I can heartily recommend JC’
Arent Roggeveen
‘...Jean-Christophe has also demonstrated his almost physical desire and important ability to help others, stimulating them to reflect on themselves, their life choices, their doubts, concerns, obstacles towards fulfillment. What I particularly like about him, is his infectious 'joie de vivre', his openness to explore and experience, his courage to take the 'road less traveled...'
Leon Vandenbroek
General Manager, Shell
‘JC uses a thought provoking and creative methodology to let the individual explore themselves in what effectively is a self discovery process. The 'mirror' he applies is very powerful and effective across all layers in the organization irrespective of seniority or reporting line. It gets the best out of people in a very constructive and non-confrontational matter’.
Arjan Van Vliet
Exploration Manager, Shell
'Jean-Christophe (JC) facilitated sessions with the team on who we are, where we are going and how to collaborate and work together as a team. These sessions were very helpful and gave insight in ourselves and the team. The collaboration within the team improved and overall happiness increased. JC and I had several following up session on general Leadership and coaching me to become a better leader. I can highly recommend working with JC'
Rik Hospers
Material manager, Shell
‘JC has the talent as a coach to see ahead on the road that you’re on while making your journey. As such he usually asks the next relevant question before you considered it and helps keep the journey apace and helps you explore different potential turns of the road. He doesn’t avoid asking uncomfortable questions that need to be dealt with to make progress and as such combines being a ‘tough friend’ with his genial style. His profound philosophical baggage and personal life experiences ensure he is never out of his depth dealing with (perceived) unique personal challenges’.
Freek Meulman
Business Analyst, Shell
'Very insightful' is what comes to mind when I think about Jean-Christophe’s coaching. I was particularly impressed by the way he conceptualizes the empirical. This skill helps you to zoom out and see matters from unexpected but powerful new angles. It often takes years to develop but it seemed to come naturally to him.’
Varun Rikhi
Supply Chain Lead, Shell
...'After that I had the good fortune of having coaching sessions with JC. More than a coach, he turned out to be my “Guru”, someone who helped me find me. I had never been exposed to that side of myself which he showed me. A few years back I lacked confidence, had fears engulfing me all over and was never able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, until he showed me the way and helped me find myself. I am now confident, successful, passionate for my work and above all true to myself. This experience has not only helped me in my professional life but in my personal life as well.'
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